
At St Mary’s, our English program provides the opportunity for all students to develop their capacity and extend their ability in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Our aim is to create imaginative thinkers, confident communicators and informed citizens, who enjoy the pleasures of reading and writing.

Teachers use ongoing assessment data to make informed decisions about the needs of students. As a result, explicit teaching targets the area of need for individual students and they are guided in the areas in which they need to improve.

The English Curriculum aims to ensure that students:

  • Listen, speak, read, view and write effectively with confidence, purpose and enjoyment.
  • Engage in a language rich environment that promotes a culture of reading and writing.
  • Participate in learning that integrates literacy into integrated units to ensure experiences are meaningful, hands-on and in context.
  • Read for meaning, questioning and critically analysing texts.
  • Develop their ability in digital literacy to evaluate, use and create information in an increasingly digital world.
  • Are part of an inclusive program, catering for the diversity of our school community.

The English program at St Mary’s is supported by:

  • Daily Literacy programs in Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening
  • Collaborative planning and implementation led by the Literacy Leader
  • Regular access to rich literature in our Library space
  • Professional Learning Communities for all levels
  • Contemporary learning tools
  • Evidence based Intervention programs
  • Speech Pathology (MACS).